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The Next Step Framework is Kendrick's political agenda for how governments can help communities experiencing high trauma heal from years of stress inflicted onto them by systemic disenfranchisement. It provides a clear direction forward in creating a triumphant and sustainable city. Together we can transform Charlotte into a world class city where everyone has access to succeed and achieve prosperity.

Increase Housing Options
Reduce Violent Crime

Better Culture Economy

Transit-Trail Oriented Development
Making Housing Options for All a reality for Charlotte
Housing for All is the macroeconomic concept Kendrick embraces to make Charlotte a more affordable region. Kendrick has worked to advance housing option for all of Charlotte residents since 2017. A Charlotte native, Kendrick has witnessed countless long-term residents in our historic affordable communities move because of the lack of preservation policies in our community. Kendrick is currently working to empower the housing market to be able to offer an array of housing options at diverse price points.
Changing the Crescent Youth Narrative to Reduce Violent Crime
Kendrick is a survivor of the Beatties Ford Mass Shooting that took place on Juneteenth 2020. He understands that communities in Charlotte are grappled with combatting community gun violence. Kendrick is working to ensure that non-traditional, fiscally responsible approaches are being prioritized to make Charlotte a safe city.
Creating a Culture Economy in Charlotte
Kendrick regularly meets with regional entertainment business leaders to get a firmer understanding of the challenges they face empowering local independent artists. Kendrick believes that if Charlotte cultivates a creative economy, we will be able to breathe culture into our city. This will ultimately increase the dollar amount on taxes the City of Charlotte collects through tourism and sales.
Advocated for the Charlotte City Council to pass an anti-source-of-income discrimination policy that mandated any housing provider receiving city funds to accept all sources of income for rent
Advocated for the Charlotte City Council to adopt the Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan that included his housing access for all in Goal 3
Advocated for policies to hinder the sale and distribution of illicit guns in Charlotte
Conspired with local, state and federal leaders to increase government investment for violence prevention
Implemented advocacy strategy to create a gun violence prevention policy trifecta in Mecklenburg County
Supported deregulation of alcohol laws in North Carolina to strengthen Charlotte's hospitality industry and liven up the night life scene
Working to develop northwest and northeast Charlotte as an international live music destination hotspot in the southeastern United States region
Expanding Transportation Options with Affordable Transit and Trail Oriented Development
Kendrick believes that car ownership should not be a prerequisite to fully participate in society. Kendrick envisions Charlotte as a vibrant, sustainable, and equitable region fully connected through investments in walking, biking, and public transit options that enhance the quality of life for all people and communities.
Advocated for the adoption of the Charlotte Strategic Mobility Plan
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